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Music Typing Keyboard

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Did you ever dream of an easy, intuitive, natural, fast and user friendly way to enter music with a computer?

  1. Typing Without A Keyboard
  2. Play Music With Typing Keyboard

This is now a reality, with the Music Typing Keyboard.

Your benefits

  1. In this course, there are totally 12 stages divided into 4 levels that will help you learn typing from scratch. Even though you don't have any clue about typing now, you will become a 'typist' who can type fast without looking at the keyboard when you finish all the tasks in these 12 stages.
  2. Configure your keyboard layout in Windows so that you can type all additional symbols you want as easy as any other text. Takes about 5-10 minutes to set things up, but you'll be typing like a boss. You can assign all possible music symbols (♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯) and any other text characters to your keyboard using this technique.

Touch Pianist is a musical toy / instrument that allows the user to perform hard-to-play classical piano music favorites (from composers like Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Satie, Debussy to name a few) just by tapping the rhythm of the piece's particular sound events on a computer keyboard or a touch screen. Get 2,874 keyboard typing royalty free music & sound effects on AudioJungle. Buy keyboard typing royalty free music & sound effects from $1. Learn touch typing online using TypingClub's free typing courses. It includes 650 typing games, typing tests and videos.

The main benefits of this keyboard are:

  • The possibility to increase the speed with which you enter music
  • A natural and intuitive logic for entering the music

If you are looking for a more logical way to enter music than by combining the computer keyboard, the MIDI keyboard and the mouse, this keyboard is for you.

Up to now, there was no keyboard specifically designed to enter music.

This keyboard was conceived right from the beginning to provide a natural and intuitive way to enter music.

The basic principle

The central part of the keyboard has one octave (7 notes) and a rest value, for three rhythmic values (eighth note, quarter note and half note). This forms a table of notes and rhythms. Two pairs of keys are used to shift octaves and rhythmic values very easily.

You can use the 10 fingers to type the notes, which helps you to accelerate music entry, as you get more and more accustomed to the keyboard. This is a music typing method.

The other keys give access to the various options needed while entering the music, like the accidentals, the ties, nuances,. They are placed in such a way that the most needed keys are closest to the hand.

You can use it with Finale and Sibelius

The keyboard is sold with Pizzicato Notation (but you can buy it alone if you already have Pizzicato). This software handles the interface with the keyboard and then exports a musicXML file, that you can use with most music software like Finale, Sibelius,. You can of course also arrange the page layout and print the score in Pizzicato if you prefer.

You can view this keyboard and the software as a fast and intuitive way to enter music. You export it to musicXML and you can continue to work with your favorite music software.

It is in some ways similar to using a music scanning program, as such a program is also an easy way to enter the music. In the case of the keyboard, it is a fast way to enter the content of a sheet music, whether you are copying it or you are composing it (Mozart, Bach and Beethoven would for sure have appreciated this keyboard!).

So, you can use the advantages of this new revolutionary method to enter notes, with most of the professional music software and edit and finalize (or sibeliusize.) the score in your favorite software.

Why is this keyboard a revolution?

The search for faster and more efficient methods to enter music with a computer started a long time ago. Nowadays, most music software offer several methods to enter the content of a staff on the screen, so as to publish it and/or arrange and play it.

The most common method is a tool palette offering the rhythmic values, which is used with the mouse to place the notes on the staff. Shortcuts from the computer keyboard make the process faster to select the rhythmic values, the pitch and various other utilities like slurs, ties, accidentals,.

If you connect a MIDI keyboard to the computer, you can often select the pitch of notes with that keyboard (but this implies you can use a music keyboard) and combine with the computer keyboard for rhythmic values.

Blender computer build. You can also play the music in real time to get the score, but anyone who tried that knows that if the score is somewhat complex, even performed with precision, there are often corrections to do, which limits the efficiency of the method.

Furthermore, in most cases the shortcuts and details of the ways to enter music are different from software to software. If you change software, you must learn again how to use the shortcuts.

A computer keyboard has not been designed to enter music and its use for that purpose can only be a compromise, as it is first designed to enter text.

Similarly, a music piano keyboard has been designed to play a piece of music and not to enter music on a staff with all its subtle graphic details. The most obvious problem is that each note may be written in different ways, like F# or Gb. And when you play eighth notes, do you beam them by 2, 3 or 4? Do you assemble two simultaneous notes as a chord or as different voices? And so on. A MIDI keyboard is not designed to express this kind of details.

The use of the mouse, even if it is quite intuitive, is a relatively slow way to enter the music.

Here comes the Music Typing keyboard, as its advantage is that it has been specifically designed according to the needs of entering music with a computer. Its logic to enter notes and rhythmic values provides a quick learning curve and after some practice can considerably increase the speed to enter the music.

The central part of the keyboard is used to enter notes and rhythms. The other most important keys are placed around this central part so as to be easily accessible, like the accidentals, ties, dotted notes,.

To help you in the beginning, a window can display the various functions of the keyboard in an interactive way, but once you master the keyboard, this window is no more useful and the screen can be used fully to display the score you are writing.

Is it only a question of speed?

While its speed is indeed a major step forward of this new keyboard, its specific design to enter music makes it an intuitive, natural and user friendly tool, as it is perfectly adapted to the needs of music notation. It is therefore also well adapted in the field of music education.

Try it for yourself and see.

If not yet done, download the demo of Pizzicato 3.6. This software has a window that represents the keyboard and you can use it with the mouse. Of course, it does not offer the advantages of the real keyboard, but at least you can see how it works and how intuitive and natural it is to enter the music with it.

See the lesson on how to use this keyboard, on page:

Get your own Music Typing Keyboard now!

Do not wait any longer and order this new music typing keyboard today by clicking on the following link:

and start to write or compose your music with this keyboard, for the pleasure of your eyes and ears!

Note : Presently, this keyboard only works on Windows, not on Mac.

Be amazed with how quickly you can learn, or teach, music!

Click the button below to get started:

See how much easier it is to learn music using modern technology, than it used to be.

Check out the music you can play with this revolutionary new instrument, in the demo-videos below. If possible, use a sound system, or earphones, because laptop-speakers (or smart-phone speakers) will not inspire.

If your Internet speed is too slow for watching videos, try our Audio Demos instead.

What kinds of music can you play on the instrument? Watch this quick video.

Take 2 minutes watching this video to quickly learn more about the instrument:

Though the easiest way to play the instrument, is using the numeric keypad for chords, and playing melody on the main part of the keyboard, you're not limited to that, and you can use both hands on the melody section, as above.

Watch how easy it is to quickly start playing music on your computer, in the video below (best viewed in full-screen mode). And seeing how easily we can show how it's done, think of how it can be used to teach music remotely!

(If you view this on a phone, you'll see it better if it's turned sideways, rather than vertical)

If you want to play classical piano, you should take classical piano lessons. But that doesn't mean classical music can't be played on the KeyMusician Keyboard.

Check out the short video below, showcasing an excerpt of Claude Debussy's famous piece ‘Clair De Lune':

Are you already convinced?


Click the button below:

The demo below brings to mind a Spanish Guitar sound. The chords are played using a string ensemble (which has a sustained sound), but the main tune is ‘strummed' by playing the melody notes with a very short delay between the notes of each chord. It's easy to train your fingers to do this. Watch the video below:

Solo Guitar melody, with orchestral chords is fine, but can the KeyMusician Keyboard play Guitar all by itself, and sound good?

Watch this video of a solo Guitar improvisation on the KeyMusician Keyboard, and see what you think.

Did you see in the video where the key-signature changed? It's like changing the capo on a guitar in about a half-second.

Also, with the real-time display of the notes, and ease of playing melody, it makes sense to go directly to classical Guitar, rather than sticking with strumming chords.

The rock piece below illustrates how you can play both the Bass Guitar part, and the Solo Guitar part, with just your left hand, while playing chords with your right hand.

Here's a demo video, showing playing music through the application, using a MIDI keyboard. All of the ease-of-playing features, and training materials, also work with a MIDI keyboard, and you gain touch-sensitivity:

If you're an opera fan, why settle for a mere piano accompaniment of the aria you're performing? Why not have something more like the actual opera? You can actually play this piece (and it's not that difficult). It's included in the KeyMusician Songbook. Check out this rendition of a famous aria from the opera ‘Turandot', by Puccini:

You've seen the KeyMusician Keyboard in action as a solo instrument, but what can it do in a duet? Watch the video below.

How about being out by yourself, improvising music, communing with nature?

Many people played in school band, but now the band is gone, and the instrument sits gathering dust in the closet. And it would take a lot of daily practice to bring the ability to play it back.

Here's a piece by Aere, who was 1st chair trumpet in school band, composing and playing the trumpet again, and the trumpet solo even becomes a duet near the end of the piece.

Are you already convinced?

Click the button below.

If you want to read and explore on your own, scroll-down and view the information below.

What you need to run the KeyMusician Keyboard application:

  • A computer, running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux – a tablet works only if it runs one of these three OS's. It will work on some Chromebooks, installed as a Linux application.
  • A physical keyboard, having a separate numeric key-pad (because you need to play the keys by feel, and keep your eyes on the music) – it could plug-in to a USB port
  • A sound system for your computer (because the sound of the instrument should inspire the musician)
  • A screen resolution of at least 1024 pixels wide, by 670 pixels high

Learn to play chords-with-melody music in about 5 minutes!

We've shown the KeyMusician Keyboard at many public events.

For every person who was interested, and had the time to spend learning, they were playing chords-with-melody music on their own, in about 5 minutes.

Kids took to it like a duck to water, saying, 'This is really cool!' Another kid said, 'This sure beats MineCraft.'

But it works for adults too, including YOU!

Watch the video, where Malcolm shows Alaina how to improvise chords-with-melody music in about 5 minutes!

Guitarists spend years learning to play 1000+ chords, but it's much easier with the KeyMusician Keyboard, with no memorization required. See how easy it is in the video below.

How much simpler is it to play chords and melody, as opposed to regular piano music?

Here is a sample of piano music (from Ravel's 'Pavane For A Dead Princess'). Notice that both hands (as well as 6 fingers, and even your pedal foot) are doing different things.

Below is the same phrase in the music (but a different key-signature), arranged for the KeyMusician Keyboard, from the KeyMusician Songbook:

Which one looks less complicated? Instead of doing 7 things at once (with the piano part), you're doing two things at once (chords and melody).

Learning to play multiple, independent parts, is probably the most difficult thing in learning to play piano, and the main reason it takes years.

Can music that simple sound good? The demo video below, is of this piece being played. See for yourself.

Learning To Play From Written-Music

The music display of the KeyMusician Keyboard makes it easy to play from written music.

If the piece you're playing is a piece you know, it's even easier, because all you need to know, is the pitch of each note. You don't need to know the length of each note, because you already know how the piece goes.

Simply set the key-signature to match the key-signature of the piece, and match the round-part of the note (called the note-head), of the note you play, with the note-head in the music.

What does the application look like?

Here is a picture of all of the windows of the KeyMusician Keyboard.

What about dynamics (loudness & softness)?

You can always vary the loudness, even while playing chords, by using the Left-Arrow and Right-Arrow keys. These keys are reachable by your chord-hand.

But if you're playing just one part in a band (not needing to play chords), you can use the numeric keypad for controlling the loudness/softness (dynamics) of the music you play, using the Dynamics Pad (shown below) in place of the Chords Pad:

This is much easier than learning just how hard (or softly) to hit the keys, to play at a certain volume level.

Check out this video demo, showing how you can play expressive music, using the numeric keypad to control dynamics.

As you advance in playing music, and want the expressivity of velocity-sensitive keys, simply connect a MIDI keyboard to the application. Everything you learned before will still work.

What people are saying about it:

'I was a non-musician, having failed at school band. Yet with the KeyMusician Keyboard, I was playing the song by Enya, ‘Only Time' with about an hour of effort, both chords and melody, in a key signature with 3 flats, and with a full rich sound'. –Malcolm

'After only a short time of me trying with the KeyMusician Keyboard, this began to be fun'. — Laron

'We played the KeyMusician Keyboard in church last weekend, and the leader said that it was great to have an organ, and the rest of the orchestra, finally in church!' — Malcolm

'I can play the trumpet part of the 'Washington Post March' better on the KeyMusician Keyboard, than I could with a real trumpet when I was in band, and I was good (first chair of the section). And I don't have to maintain semi-daily practice to do it.' — Aere

'Very seldom do I find a product that is so great that the testimonial seemingly writes itself. Yours is one such product!!' — Jennifer

'This is cool! It sure beats MineCraft!' — (teenager at a public event where we demonstrated the instrument)

Look at all these features:

  • The fingering is always the same (in both the chords, and the melody) regardless how many flats or sharps are in the key-signature – no black-key/white-key decisions
  • You can be fingering the next chord while you are playing the current chord
  • You play chords, not by contorting your fingers into complicated shapes, but by ‘naming' the chord you see in the sheet-music, in a few quick key-strokes
  • The instrument is very portable – all you need is a laptop with an amplifier, a full-size keyboard, and you can play it either sitting in a chair (with the keyboard on your knees), or standing up (with a harness or music-stand for the keyboard)
  • Add another USB typing-keyboard, and you have the equivalent of 'piano 4-hands' – add another, and it's 'piano 6-hands'…
  • Real-time, music-notation graphics display of what you're playing, and/or what you're playing along-with (and trying to match)
  • Any ‘accidentals' (notes that are not part of the key-signature) used in the chords, are automatically introduced into the melody (so you don't have to play them manually)
  • Set up ‘racks' of 10 different instruments (chosen from hundreds) for any piece (or performance), and switch to any of them instantly (in a single key-stroke)
  • Connect a MIDI keyboard, and learn piano in a key-signature independent way
  • Play from music written for other types of instruments (such as Bb Trumpet, F Horn, or Eb Saxophone), and it plays in concert-pitch

Comparing the KeyMusician Keyboard with Traditional Instruments

Think of it — in a few weeks, you could be 'Making Music Yours' ™, with some of the best instrument sounds around. You will have 158 melodic instruments, and 48 drum/percussion instruments. You can easily play hundreds of chords, with no memorization and a performance quality sound.

All from one instrument.

All from one learning.

All from one effort.

You could go the more traditional route, and get say a piano-

I love piano. With a good player, it has so many moods, it was a top technology for the year 1720.

But, to take piano lessons for example, you would pay to get six strong guys to bring a piano into your home, (a ‘playable' ‘student' piano might be $1000 to $3000 up), and you would have to periodically hire a piano tuner to maintain it.

Then there are the weekly lessons, at maybe $20 or more, a pop, once a week at least. in a year that is 20 x 52 = $1040, and then after all of this, there is no guarantee of success. You are already in this for $2000 to $3500+ for the first year.

It takes about 3-5 years to be good on piano. That adds to about $6,000 – $10,000.

Music publishers will tell you that for every 100 copies of ‘Piano method book 1' sold, there are only about 5 ‘Piano Method Book 2' sold.

This is a dropout rate of 95%, and then there is book 3, and then book 4, which even fewer students see. Playing piano is more difficult than people realize.

Then there are the strings– Violin, Cello, Bass.

These have a sound that can move one to tears, or joy– in the right hands.

But to be the ‘right hands' may take you at least 3 years of lessons maybe once a week. A ‘starter' Violin can be $500-$700. Lessons for these, can run $20-$50 per half hour, weekly. And you need to practice, practice, practice. These are some of the more expensive instruments, as can be the lessons.

The Guitar?

A good one can start at about $400, and if you stick with only 3 or 4 chords, they are fairly easy to play at a basic level, after getting over the pain of growing calluses on your fingers. But to truly master guitar takes years. Just look at the finger contortions that you need to play some of those chords! And finger picking the melody is something for advanced players.

How about the brass, or woodwinds?

A trumpet (beginning, $600-$800) can have thrilling notes, evoking images of marches, as can the French Horn. Flutes can be fun and lilting. Oboes can have a sad, ‘sweet/sad goodbye' feel. They can also have a hefty price, as they can cost in the range of $1500, and then you add the lessons.

Drums and other percussion instruments can range from $600 to $2000, up.

Lessons for drums and percussion are more ‘specialized', and can run $15-$60 for a half hour.

All of these instruments are limited to only their own sound.

Then there is the SYNTHESIZER, which will give you a variety of instrument sounds. BUT — they have piano keyboards! So, it's back to PIANO LESSONS (see above)!

Also, most synthesizers have only 61 keys on the keyboard, only the more expensive ones have the full range, and the better ones cost in the $2000 range, or more. Then like piano, you have to do seemingly endless practice of boring scales in the different key signatures, and the simultaneous separate parts, in the music. Three years anyone?

With traditional instruments, learning takes so long that many people simply give up, and never know the satisfaction of playing music, and that is the real tragedy!

Typing Without A Keyboard I think of my sister, who had piano lessons as a kid, and when you have piano lessons as a kid, you have piano recitals as a kid.

At her recital, she mounted the stage, and started playing. While playing her piece, she made a mistake any 11 year old could make, hitting a sour note. 3d shape design software. She stopped, recomposed herself, and started again. She later made a similar mistake, stopped, looked at the audience, and ran crying from the stage, never to play again.

So for years now, she has carried a burden, in memory, a memory never changed, that music is something to be wary of, something that humiliates you, something to stay away from.

Now imagine what would happen if she now had a good experience, a memory that would say, 'Go further with this — it's fun, and can lead to good things!

It is our mission, to have everyone who starts playing the KeyMusician Keyboard, in a relatively short time, become successful at playing their favorite music.

What Else Can You Do With The KeyMusician Keyboard?

Take a look at over 5 years of articles on using the KeyMusician Keyboard, including with well-known MIDI software and hardware:

The KeyMusician Newsletter Index

You have seen the videos–

You have heard the music being played–

Others have played the same kind of music in about a month or two of effort.

And so can you!

So, how much is your time worth?

How much can the ‘gift of music' add to your life, and those around you?

What can it mean to you to go from 'I can't do this', to 'I can and did!'?

The choice is yours!

And you can do it at no risk, with our 30 day no hassle, ‘any excuse' guarantee!

  • We turn your computer into a Quality Musical Instrument.

  • We then show the the steps to take to play Your favorite music in about a month.

'A typing keyboard? Are you kidding? —- Wow! Can you believe this?!'

'I really would rather play this!' – Aere

So how much is this going to cost you?

Not the $6000 or the $10,000 that it takes to get good at playing the usual piano or guitar, to play the kind of music that you would, as an adult, to play for your adult friends, or to an audience from a stage.

But, for the KeyMusician Keyboard,

Play Music With Typing Keyboard

A one time cost of $197 today!

We say, this is our job:

'You will both like, and be surprised at the music you will be able to play, and you will know that you can do this, within 30 days.'

Click the button below to start your new musical journey today!

Would you like more detailed information on the KeyMusician Keyboard, or our music training courses? Would you like to hear an entire album of music composed and performed on the instrument?

Click the button below, fill out (and submit) the web-form, and we'll send it to you in an e-mail.

'KeyMusician™',' Making Music Yours™', and 'Turning Your Computer Into a Quality Musical Instrument' ™ and © copyright 2014 Laeramin LLC.

Contact: E-Mail:

KeyMusician Software © 2013, pat. pend 2013 Laeramin LLC 12903 S 300 E Draper, Utah 84020

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